“Creating a positive environment where excellence is inevitable” is only possible with the dedicated efforts of all RST families. Parental support and involvement is vital to the success of RST.
VOLUNTEER POLICY(updated June 2016)
Annual Volunteering:
Volunteering is a necessary part of being a member of the Redlands Swim Team. RST requires each family to volunteer on an annual basis (excluding Masters swimmers):
- 24 hours of volunteer time per “volunteer year” per family
- 12 hours must be completed at RST home meets
The “volunteer year” runs from July 1 through June 30 annually. These hours are not inclusive of timing duties at swim meets. New families that enroll after the start of the “volunteer year”, will be prorated at a rate of 2 hours per month. New members joining between May 1 and June 30 of the volunteer year will not have volunteer requirements. Hours will be tracked under each family’s account in Team Unify. It is the parent’s responsibility to check Team Unify for their volunteer hours and ensure their volunteer hours are correct and requirements have been met. Credit value for volunteer activities will be determined by the Volunteer Committee, who will also establish a signup process that will facilitate member sign up for volunteer activities. A member who volunteers for an event is responsible for ensuring coverage of that activity in the event they are unable to fulfill their commitment.
Failure to fulfill annual volunteer requirements, will result in a $20 per hour assessment for the balance remaining at the end of the “volunteer year”. This amount will be invoiced in the August billing cycle. Members who withdraw from the team prior to the end of the “volunteer year” will have their remaining requirements prorated. Prorated shortfalls will be due at the time of the withdrawal. Families wishing to “opt-out” of the volunteer requirement can pay an annual buyout assessment of $450. This amount will be charged to the member’s account in the August billing cycle. Members who opt-out will have no volunteer requirements, however, timing requirements remain.
Members on scholarship must complete all annual volunteer requirements. Failure to complete volunteer requirements will result in the forfeiture of scholarship status.
Home Meet Volunteering:
RST hosts 2-3 home meets per year. All families, regardless of whether their swimmer(s) participates in the meet(s) are required to assist with volunteer activities. There are many volunteer opportunities at home meets, including opportunities before and after the meet days, which make this an easy requirement to fulfill. If you are unable to work a meet, please contact the Meet Manager for other ways to fulfill volunteer requirements. Members should commit to volunteering at least half (12) of their annual requirement at RST home meets. This is the only case when timing counts towards volunteer hours.
Volunteer Committee:
The Volunteer Committee will consist of up to 5 volunteer members and will be chaired by a Volunteer Chairman. The Volunteer Chairman will be volunteer designee approved by the BOD and is responsible for managing the Volunteer Committee. The Volunteer Chairman, Head Coach(s) and the Meet Manager will meet annually to determine the volunteer activities necessary to satisfy RST manpower requirements. The Volunteer Chairman is responsible for conducting membership training annually on volunteer processes. The determination for awarding volunteer credit will be at the discretion of the Volunteer Chairman.
Only the BOD may waive a member’s volunteer requirements based upon individual circumstances.